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Friendship Choices for September

At this time of year, we usually ask the children to choose three friends whom they would like to be with in their new class in September. During this time we explain to the children that although they have given three names and we will do our best to keep them together, this cannot be guaranteed.

Due to the current situation, please could all Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 parents please talk to their child and ask them to choose three friends. Please email your child’s name along with the names of their chosen 3 friends (in priority order with 1 being the most wanted) to their class teacher by Friday June 12th.


Child’s name:

1st Friendship choice:

2nd Friendship choice:

3rd Friendship choice:


Please use class email addresses to send your list to your child's class teacher. E.g. (change the class number to match your chlid's class).

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