A progressive e-Safety education programme takes place at Milford Infants' School through discrete lessons and across the curriculum, for all children in all years, and is regularly revisited. Breadth and progression is ensured through the Somerset e-Sense progression implemented through the Somerset Byte awards.
- Key e-Safety messages are reinforced through assemblies and Safer Internet Week (February) and throughout all lessons.
- Pupils are taught to keep themselves safe online and to be responsible in their use of different technologies as detailed in the Somerset Byte scheme of work.
- Pupils are guided to use age appropriate search engines for research activities. Staff are vigilant in monitoring the content of the websites visited and encourage pupils to use specific search terms to reduce the likelihood of coming across unsuitable material.
- In lessons where internet use is pre-planned, pupils are guided to sites checked as suitable for their use and processes are in place for dealing with any unsuitable material that is found in internet searches. Staff pre-check any searches.
- Pupils are taught to be critically aware of the content they access on-line and are guided to validate the accuracy and reliability of information.
- Pupils are taught to acknowledge the source of information used and to respect copyright when using material accessed on the internet.
- Pupils will write and sign an AUP for their class [which might be agreed class rules] at the beginning of each school year, which will be shared with parents and carers.
Below are some documents and websites to support you with ensuring you and your child are E-Safe at home.