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SEND School Information Report

Parent Information: SEND School Information Report

All Somerset maintained schools have a similar approach to meeting the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND). Schools are supported by the Local Authority to ensure that all pupils regardless of their specific needs make the best possible progress in school. All schools are supported to be as inclusive as possible.

At Milford Infants' School we recognise that all children are of equal value and deserve access to resources and opportunities to develop their full potential, to make a positive contribution and to enhance their self-esteem.

Milford Infants' is an inclusive school and we aim to meet the needs of all pupils including those with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities. At our school we support each child and their parents/ carers so they can achieve the best possible educational and developmental outcomes, preparing them effectively for their future. We believe in developing positive relationships between home and school and work hard to build and sustain these.


Our School SENCo is: Mrs Jill Taylor

Telephone number: 01935 457426 option 3 (working days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)


How will school staff support my child?


Somerset Graduated Response Tool


Quality first teaching underpins all educational provision. It focuses on inclusive practice and breaks down barriers to learning. For the majority of children this can be achieved by identifying specific barriers, followed by personalisation and differentiation using strategies as identified in the Somerset Graduated Response Tool. The Somerset Graduated Response Tool breaks down SEN into four broad areas of need. This targets specific support for teachers to plan and for any interventions to take place. You can learn more about the Somerset Graduated Response at:


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For SEND news and to find out what's going on for SEND families in Somerset, please click here for weekly newsletters.


Please click on the documents below for further information about SEND at Milford Infants'.

Please note: as of January 2021, our school SENCO is Jill Taylor.

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