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Ethos and Curriculum

Our school is lively and forward-looking, we recognise the value of first-hand experience in learning. We aim to provide a happy working atmosphere, where children can develop respect for themselves and for each other, a personal sense of responsibility and initiative.

Our aim throughout the school is to develop the whole child mentally, physically, socially and morally. We plan the curriculum carefully using the many resources available to teachers, including curriculum guidelines, games, books, computers, video, audio recordings and outside visitors.


We aim to create a positive start to life-long learning so that each child can achieve success.

Milford Infants’ School Curriculum Intent

At Milford Infants’ School and Pre-School, we believe in providing a personalised education for our pupils within a stimulating and safe environment. Our intention is to specialise in the education of 2-7 year olds, building a solid foundation of learning, to enable and motivate the children to be the best that they can be.


As an Infant and Pre-School, we are very aware of how these early years in education will build the foundations for each child’s learning and how at this early age children need play based, hands on activities. Young children need real experiences to draw their learning from and learn best when they are engaged, interested and able to be active in their learning. These early years of education are fundamental for teaching independence skills and through our curriculum, we want to enable children to be creative and to develop their own thinking. We develop Successful Learning strategies right from the start so that children know how to succeed, what to do if they need help and to celebrate everyone’s strength and progress. 


We value the way in which all children are unique and our curriculum promotes respect for the views of each individual child as well as for people of all cultures. We value the spiritual and moral development of each child, as well as their intellectual and physical growth.  At Milford Infants’ School and Pre-School we pride ourselves in providing an environment which offers stability, is happy and stimulating and in which children can grow in confidence, developing positive self-esteem. The mental health and well-being of our children is paramount to feeling safe and secure, building secure relationships and making progress to be the best they can.


We offer a curriculum which is broad and balanced and which builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills of all children, whatever their starting points, as they progress through each year. The aim of our curriculum is for pupils to have the requisite skills to be successful, independent and motivated learners in readiness for their next stage of education. It is important that the curriculum considers the development of the whole child and not only concentrate on academic success. Where appropriate, we encourage the children to make links between their learning, subjects and extra-curricular activities. Our curriculum is designed in a way to enable children to build on and further develop pathways; linking skills and knowledge together in order to be ready for their next stage of learning and life.


When a child leaves Milford Infants’ School they will have developed the skills and attitudes to be:

*Curious – ask questions, think creatively, research and gather my own information

*Enthusiastic – have a love of learning and desire to find out more

*Resilient – feel regulated to have a go, keep going and learn from my mistakes

*Independent – have the confidence to do it my way

*Connected – have secure relationships and be able to make links between learning

*Collaborative – respect and work well with others

*Successful and ready for the next challenge in life.

For further information regarding your child's curriculum, please see documents and links below or contact your child's class teacher via the main school office or the class email.

For information on our PSHE and RSE Curriculum, please click below:

For information on how we comply with our duties in the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014, to make the curriculum accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs, please see the Equality Policy and SEND Information on the page below:
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