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Sports Premium

The introduction of the School Sports Premium has allowed us to provide teachers with specific PE professional development, provide motivational sports days during the year (e.g. Olympic athlete visit, skipping workshops), pay for transport for children with SEND to access specialised sports, introduce and maintain a competitive team points systems to use across the curriculum, attend interschool competitions and offer taster sessions in order to allow children to experience a wide variety of sports. It has also enabled us to offer more and varied clubs which have been subsidised to encourage more children to take part in out of school sport. Examples of after school clubs that children can take part it at school are: tennis, hoopball, rugby, football, zumbatonics, ballet, gymnastics, PAMFA (multiskills) and karate. Clubs change throughout the year and we try to make sure that all children that would like to attend an after school club get the opportunity to during the academic year. Click here for details of our after school clubs currently on offer.


Further information about our use of the School Sports Premium can be found below.


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