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Term time leave

The regulations regarding children being absent from school during term time have changed from 1st September 2013.

The amendments make it clear that Headteachers can only grant leave of absence during term time for exceptional circumstances. All reference to a holiday and/or extended leave, including the threshold of ten school days is removed.

Any request for leave must be made in writing for the attention of the Headteacher in advance using the form below. This is also available on request from the school office.

May 2021 - update

We understand that circumstances are unusual at the moment. Some requested term time leave may be for holidays that were previously booked during a school holiday, but have been cancelled or postponed due to COVID19 travel restrictions or quarantine regulations. Leave requested for a holiday during term time will be authorised under these exceptional circumstances, but parents will be required to provide proof that their holiday was previously booked for a school holiday and was postponed or cancelled for the above reason.

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