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Vision and Values

Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens. 
We aim to create a positive start to life-long learning so that each child can achieve success.

Our School Vision:

Our vision for Milford Infants’ School is to provide an outstanding personalised education for our pupils within a stimulating and safe environment. We aim to specialise in the education of 4-7 year olds, building a solid foundation of learning to enable and motivate the children to be the best that they can be. In our vision for the school we will work in partnership with parents so that our pupils excel and are inspired to be life-long learners.

Our Values:

At Milford Infants' School we help our children to be:

M otivated - We want to learn.
I  nclusive - We are all special.
L ife-long learners - We like a challenge.
F riendly - We are kind and helpful.
O ptimistic - We can do it.
R espectful - We make good choices.
D ifferent - We value each other.

At Milford Infants' School we believe:

  • that children learn best when they feel secure and have support and interest from home and school

  • in developing caring attitudes towards each other and towards the environment

  • in creating an atmosphere which promotes sincere respect for everyone irrespective of differences

  • that it is important to identify children's strengths and weaknesses, and work together to ensure that their individual needs can be met

  • in recognising and valuing the contribution each child brings to the school and always expecting them to do their very best

  • in providing a wide range of challenging learning activities

  • in developing independence to equip children with the skills and knowledge they need for life

  • in embracing the children's natural enthusiasm and giving them a real sense of the joy of learning

  • in providing an environment which offers stability, is happy and stimulating and in which children can grow in confidence, developing high self esteem

  • in courtesy, co-operation and fairness amongst children and adults alike

  • in developing children's knowledge by providing an enriched curriculum

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