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Parent Participation

We encourage parental participation in the life and work of our school and a positive attitude towards teacher/parent relationships is an important feature.
We have a supportive Governing Body including parents of current and past pupils. We are also strongly supported by our parents' group, "Friends of Milford Infants' School", who organise fundraising events, and assist with many school activities and occasions.
We value the role that parents play in the life of our school.


Liaison with Parents

A close relationship between school and parents is actively encouraged. In the Autumn and Spring terms you will be invited in for Parent Consultation Evenings, but as well as this you are welcome into school at the end of the afternoon sessions to see your child's work, share displays and talk with the teacher. Any aspects concerning your child's welfare which you wish to discuss may be more formally approached by arranging a mutually convenient appointment with the class teacher or Headteacher.
A number of parents already offer help in school in a variety of ways. We are very grateful for their support which allows the children to engage in a wider variety of activities than would be possible without these extra adults. If you would like to help in school or would like further information please contact the school office.


Parental Complaints Procedure

Every school is required to have in place a complaints procedure. At Milford Infants' School this would entail the following process. Firstly, we would ask parents to talk to their child's class teacher, or another member of our school staff. If the problem could not be resolved in this manner, it would be investigated by the Headteacher. Should the complainant still feel that their concerns had not been addressed satisfactorily, the matter would be passed to the school's Governing Body. If these internal procedures should fail to resolve the problem in a satisfactory manner, it would be passed directly to the DfE.

If you require more information about Parental Complaints please ask for the Policy at the school office.

Parents Code of Conduct

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