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School and pre-school meals are cooked freshly on the premises daily by leading catering specialist Taylor Shaw. The two course meal may be selected weeks in advance, from a range of choices including vegetarian.  Medical and religious diets can be catered for by arrangement. If your child requires a medical diet due to a food allergy, food intolerance or a medical condition that requires an adapted menu (e.g. carbohydrate count for Type 1 Diabetes), please follow this link to request a medical diet: For further support, please refer to the Parent User Guide.

From September 2014 the DfE stipulated that schools must provide a free school meal for all children in Reception and Key Stage 1.


Alternatively, provision is made for children to bring a packed lunch.  Please ensure that your child's lunchbox is clearly named and does not include any nut products. Lunches may include a soft drink in a plastic bottle or carton. For obvious reasons, no glass is allowed and no fizzy drinks.  Water is available.  Please do not allow your child to bring sweets or chocolate confectionery to school.  Please be aware in the Summer months that the school has no facilities for storing the children's sandwich boxes in refrigerated conditions.


Please make school meal choices by logging into the ParentPay website.

To allow time for the kitchen staff to order ingredients, meals must be booked by the end of Monday for the week before. If no choices are entered onto Parent Pay we will assume your child is having a packed lunch from home.


If you need a verification code, or support to use ParentPay, please contact the school office on 01935 475426. 

Thank you.


With the introduction of Universal Infant Free School Meals in September 2014 all infant children will be entitled to receive a free lunch every day.



Pupil Premium funding is allocated to schools:
• for children eligible for Free School Meals (FSM)
• for children whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces
• for children who have been in care or have been adopted from care
• for children who leave care under a special guardianship order or residence order.

With the introduction of the Universal Infant Free School Meals in September 2014 all infant children will be entitled to receive a free lunch every day.
However, we would ask that ALL parents who believe they would be entitled to free school meals, and may be claiming them already for older siblings, apply for free school meals as usual in order for the school to receive pupil premium funding for their child.
Please note that being eligible to Pupil Premium funding entitles your child to individual funding for uniform, after school clubs and school trips whilst at Milford Infants' School.
Parents or carers who receive any of the following are entitled to free school meals and pupil premium funding.

• Income Support (IS)
• Employment Support Allowance (Income Related) - not Contribution related
• Income Based Job Seekers Allowance (IBJSA) - not contribution based
• A Guarantee Element of State Pension Credit or
• An income-related employment and support allowance
• Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
• Child Tax Credit with an annual taxable income (as assessed by HMRC) of less than 16,190.

If you need an application form or further information, please ask at the school office or telephone Somerset County Council on 0300 1232224.

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