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Class swaps and parents' meet the teacher

Class swaps Friday 14th July

On Friday afternoon the Reception and Year 1 children will visit their classroom for September 2023 to spend some time with their new teacher and classmates. At the end of the afternoon, we are also inviting parents to come and meet the new teacher and see the classroom. This drop-in session will take place between 2.45 and 3.15pm in your child’s new classroom. You can visit the new class for some, or all of the 30 minutes. Afterwards you will be able to take your child home.


Year 2 children will spend the afternoon with the Reception teachers. Please collect your Year 2 child from the following Reception classroom at the usual time of 3-3.10pm.

Oak Tree pick up from Pear Tree

Birch Tree pick up from Willow Tree

Apple Tree pick up from Beech Tree


If your child is not moving up into the next class in September, please speak to your child’s current teacher to find out where they will be.

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