A reminder that Christmas Celebrations this week have had to be changed due to the outbreak of Strep A infections in school (see attached letter).
The planned Celebrations for parents to watch in class will not be able to take place. Instead, each class will record their full performance and upload this to Google Classroom this week.
Additionally, we would like to invite parents to a whole year group Christmas sing-a-long outside on the playground on the following dates:
Tuesday 13th December – 2.30pm – Year One (Rowan, Poplar, Pine)
Wednesday 14th December – 2.30pm – Reception (Pear, Beech, Willow)
Friday 16th December – 9.10am – Year Two (Birch, Apple, Oak)
As these performances will be outside, we will not be limiting numbers to 20 as before, but would ask that only 2 adults per child attend. Anyone who falls into the following category is advised not to attend: people with chronic illness such as cancer or diabetes, who are immunocompromised, or who have had very recent influenza or chicken-pox infection.
Friday 16th is Christmas Parties day – children are invited to wear warm party clothes to school on Friday.